Sunday 19 September 2010


To those who may be offended by this page and its content:

The pictures , paintings , videos , ... posted on this page are nothing but a piss take on today's world , global stupidity , the devolution of civilization , brain numbing media , the idolization of complete airheads and meaningless turnips better known as celebrities - stars - ... , cultural differences based on long dead and forgotten values , religious delusion and fanatic insanity , ...

This is a bit like the Jehovah witnesses that stand around holding magazines predicting the end of the world...

Taking offence over this page would be like wanting to exterminate every single bird just because one pigeon took a shit on your car... However , feel free to contact me and ask me questions should you feel the need to do so. I will reply to every form of contact coming my way and try to answer all your questions.

The creator of this page believes in customer service and constructive dialogue.

Having said that , should you really feel that this page is offensive then please just don't look at it, instead: browse pictures of puppies and baby rabbits on google.

good day...

gimme money

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