Sunday 20 June 2010

Genesis according to RA RA

First single of Plug&Play President's new album "If god had a Vuvuzela".

The album to due to be published after the World Cup it but might come out sooner. Royal Knob Records limited will keep you posted.

Should you want to order Plug&Play President albums please drop us a short email with your details :

Thank you and good night Afghanistan and other countries.

Plug&Play President - Welcome to South Africa

Glowmob "The Hits" draft version

This is what the newest Glowmob music video for "The Hits" might look like. The idea came to life on a very boring Saturday morning while the missus was in Hollywood making movies and getting pissed on soda&wine. Anyways , this is what the video might look like if I get all the hobbits to look for the ring at the same time... we will see what the future will bring... until then , enjoy my unlimited genius and tell the world how great and creative I am.
* The video is only a draft hence the low quality of the footage. This is just to give you an idea of what the video might look like if I get all the glowmobbers to get their head out of their arses and willing to spend three hours working on a video.

Testing the untested