Welcome to Planet Stupid , the home of bad art... and calling it art is probably giving it more attention than it deserves.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Just because I know them doesn't mean I am not scared
One day they are going to turn on me and shred me into a million tiny pieces...
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
Saturday, 25 September 2010
One wrong number and the world explodes
Being a secret agent is not always fun , thought Mortimer McBridle as soon as he saw the number pad. The mole had warned him that if he pressed one wrong number the whole world would explode. Brilliant , knowing that made him feel even more insecure. McBridle tried to remember the four number digit the two faced midget had whispered into his ear before being blown away by Ogor Dofus , Doctor Internal's evil Russian henchman...
what was it again? 4711? 0911? 6660? Mc Bridle couldn't remember but he had written down the code in his foreskin which he produced from his wallet. "Ah here we go" said McBridle and entered the code 0001... Unfortunately this was not the code for the "DON'T BLOW UP THE WORLD MACHINE" but the password to this online porn account. The world was doomed...because one man's clumsiness...
The end
what was it again? 4711? 0911? 6660? Mc Bridle couldn't remember but he had written down the code in his foreskin which he produced from his wallet. "Ah here we go" said McBridle and entered the code 0001... Unfortunately this was not the code for the "DON'T BLOW UP THE WORLD MACHINE" but the password to this online porn account. The world was doomed...because one man's clumsiness...
The end
If not now then when?
It is like the whole world has gone mad
free petrol for everyone
for ever
if you don't have a car
get one
it is well worth it
free petrol for everyone
for ever
the petrol station
right after the bridge
gives away
free petrol for everyone
for ever
what are you waiting for?
If not now then when?
Free petrol for everybody
for ever
bloody hell
free petrol for everyone
for ever
if you don't have a car
get one
it is well worth it
free petrol for everyone
for ever
the petrol station
right after the bridge
gives away
free petrol for everyone
for ever
what are you waiting for?
If not now then when?
Free petrol for everybody
for ever
bloody hell
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Master Pong stands in the centre of the room, facing Student. Student stands shyly in the corner near the door.
You are the new student. Come closer.
Student walks to master, does a double-take as he notices that master has no Earlobe.
You cannot Speak!
You think I cannot Speak.
I cannot imagine living in such darkness.
Ah, but Excitement is the only darkness. Also, you forget, I live in North Kaboul. Now... take your dead fish and strike me with it.
Student hesitates.
Do as I tell you - strike!
Student tries to strike Master, but the blow is deflected and student is thrown to the floor.
Never assume because a man has no Earlobe that he cannot Speak. Close your eyes. What do you hear?
Student closes his eyes, pauses with concentration before answering.
I hear the sweat, I hear the flatulence.
Do you hear your own bum cheek?
Do you hear the cricket bat which is at your feet?
Student opens his eyes and sees the cricket bat on the floor.
Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?
Student looks pensive.
Now, we will commence your battle training. Go to the weapons closet and choose an item.
Student walks to the closet, grabs the hoover and rejoins master. Master holds the blender.
Ah ha... you've chosen the hoover. Excellent choice.
They bow and begin to fight. Master easily defeats student several times. Student is thrown to the floor and injures his nostril. He rubs it to ease the pain. Master laughs while student has a look of confusion.
Arise erected, young fanny fly, and brush the indignity off of your thong.
Student does so.
You fought blindly, fanny fly. A old sac prick could've beaten you.
Yes, Master Pong, forgive me.
Forgive yourself, you have suffered for it. What is the cause of your anger?
It is anger at Flatule Boom Boom.
Yes, but what is the reason?
For being retarded.
Ah. And when did you discover this?
About 23 seconds ago when Flatule Boom Boom and I were attacked by 1,5 big bullies at the Anne Summers. I was struck first. And Flatule Boom Boom, out of fear, did nothing to help me.
You were only two against 1,5 larger than yourself. What do you think Flatule Boom Boom should've done?
Fought back and tried to help me.
Yes, fanny fly, that would've been heroic.
You agree, then, that Flatule Boom Boom was retarded.
The body is retarded when it understands its weakness. The body is arousing when it understands its strength. The honkermonkey and the belgian march together within every man. So to call one man retarded and another arousing merely serves to indicate the possibilities of their achieving the opposite.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Baby Hitler's big day out
To those who may be offended by this page and its content:
The pictures , paintings , videos , ... posted on this page are nothing but a piss take on today's world , global stupidity , the devolution of civilization , brain numbing media , the idolization of complete airheads and meaningless turnips better known as celebrities - stars - ... , cultural differences based on long dead and forgotten values , religious delusion and fanatic insanity , ...
This is a bit like the Jehovah witnesses that stand around holding magazines predicting the end of the world...
Taking offence over this page would be like wanting to exterminate every single bird just because one pigeon took a shit on your car... However , feel free to contact me and ask me questions should you feel the need to do so. I will reply to every form of contact coming my way and try to answer all your questions.
The creator of this page believes in customer service and constructive dialogue.
Having said that , should you really feel that this page is offensive then please just don't look at it, instead: browse pictures of puppies and baby rabbits on google.
good day...
gimme money
50 millionen Hausfrauen in Deutschland brechen nach dieser Nachricht zusammen

Ein dunkler Tag für deutsche Hausfrauen , nachdem die Grünen Motoroller verbieten wollen kündigt die FDP an dass Dildotausch keine Option ist. Für 5ß Millionenn Hausfrauen und Dildobenutzer bricht eine Welt zusammen. Horst Grevenbroich vom Bund Rheinischer Dildofreunde glaubt dass dies zu einer Bundesweiten Krise führen könnte. In Köln-Ehrenfeld gab es schon dreissig Hausfrauenselbstmorde. Was bedeutet dies für die SexshopBranche???
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
2am somewhere in Dortmund...
No rest for the wicked
One night on the loo
Monday, 6 September 2010
Impressions by the River Rhine
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Obviously this never happened
It was one of them days...again.
Roswitha had gotten up on the wrong foot and was pretty much pissed throughout the whole day.
"Sunday" she thought and popped her first bottle of Jaegermeister...that was at about 4am.
A couple of hours , and different beverages later , Roswitha decided to have a Bratwurst at the Neusser Strasse - Strassenfest but it was so packed with stupid people that she decided to go to the Rhine and smoke some crack... Unfortunately , yet another problem arose...

Saturday, 4 September 2010
Friday, 3 September 2010
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