Sunday 15 May 2011

Taken by a stranger OR Bye Bye Lena

Too bad you were not able to defend your title , I wonder how that could have happened , after all your song was so great and straight forward and what a catchy tune too... Guess it is back to J.O.B world for you or are you going to have yet another go next year? let us hope not, not that it made any difference really as the Eurovision song contest is nothing but a pile of bollocks but hey...

Sunday 8 May 2011

Nick Carter

Some of you may ask: Nick who? Exactly... he was one of the backstreet boys ( which backstreet boy is gay?) Long Story short : horrible music , horrible support band ( from Switzerland or some other area where they speak funny ) , horrible audience ... at least me and my workmates learned a few funky moves and even created our own "boy band": the backstage boys... but that is for a latter date...
Meanwhile enjoy the pure horror of a short soirée at the E-Werk in Cologne...

I only recorded the first two minutes ... somebody walks on stage and tells the audience ( mostly overweight "girls" ) to go mental as there will be a video shoot ... just check all the camera and mobile phone displays... fucking mental...
Nick Carter , I thought you was dead or that you had returned to working at Burger King, guess I was , like so many times before , wrong...
Nick Carter doesn't feature in this clip , reason being I couldn't be arsed to wait until that turd came on stage and the armada of screaming whales just put me off ...
besides , who gives a toss about a nobody???
Still ...

Friday 6 May 2011

After Dinner

yes , I live with "THAT"

it ain't easy

but I like it

Thursday 5 May 2011

Stairway to heaven today

Deutsche Bahn hates Southern Wales

The Deutsche Bahn , it seems , has launched a hate attack against Southern Wales... nobody at the Deutsche Bahn was available for comment

*Get to the plane fast and comfortably
to Southern Wales or simply on holiday

Sign Bin Laden was holding when they shot him

no , it was not an AK-47 as they claimed ...

Going into hiding

Baby Hitler is considering many alternatives

Sunday 1 May 2011


*No this is NOT a real bomb
"Lena ( Germany's Eurovision song contest winner 2010 )
sings Rammstein and Bushido ( horrible crappy "gangsta rapper" or something )
wearing a pink burka
Blue Shell ( crap venue in Cologne )

"Fat people are hard to kidnap - Eat more Junk food"