Sunday 27 February 2011

Last battle for Tripolis

with the Gucci shop gone out of business due to the revolution
the good old Colonel was running out of outfits for his public appearances.
But for some reason , Libyans were not so keen on seeing Gaddafi anymore
This is when Gaddafi gave Galliano a call and both decided to get Mel Gibson to buy SMART in Tel Aviv
All in all , not such a good day
for nobody.
Except John Robinson
the butcher from Milton Keynes
who sold twenty three goats that day
Ramadan is good for butchers
Meanwhile in Libya
the shit is hitting the fan...

From Copy and Paste to Gaddafi

Nobody believed that it was in fact the cat that had started it all.
The Lockerby Bomber did not survive his Sex change surgery
and meanwhile in Germany
Theo was looking for a new name on
The War on Coffee had begun...

Wednesday 23 February 2011


another episode of
pissing in the wind with my iphone
coming soon

Plug&Play President - Donald Duck is a sleeper

Saturday 12 February 2011

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Going up going down

Rainman stuck in the elevator...

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

after the storm

Television of the future

three times more shit than today
welcome to planet stupid