Friday 7 October 2011

On a happier note

It is "spill your guts" friday and I am very excited ...

Once again I would like to thank everyone who visits this page and doesn't get it the wrong way...
other than that you can send me money
donations accepted
ask me how...
nothing under 100 euro will be accepted

Saturday 3 September 2011


a couple of months too late I admit...

Friday 2 September 2011

Bin Laden's X-factor application video

they might as well take him as they're big at having arseholes on that fucking show , especially on jury duty!
Sarah Connor for instance looks like ten herpes infected camel rectums

Wednesday 20 July 2011

After the walk - tribute to GOD IS AN ASTRONAUT

after the walk come the chores

"Infinite Horizons"
God is an Astronaut

Sunday 17 July 2011

Saturday 16 July 2011

Follow your Leader

music by the great Mister Bowie

Wednesday 13 July 2011

The face of POOP

this is what I look like when I take a dump...

contains pooping sounds

Saturday 25 June 2011

Another low budget Glowmob video

Fake Rock n' Roll ( older version )
thanks to the Calais Sparrows
thank you France...

Monday 6 June 2011

Once upon a time in China
lived a man who refused to bow down
so they came to his house
and chopped his head off
the end

Sunday 15 May 2011

Taken by a stranger OR Bye Bye Lena

Too bad you were not able to defend your title , I wonder how that could have happened , after all your song was so great and straight forward and what a catchy tune too... Guess it is back to J.O.B world for you or are you going to have yet another go next year? let us hope not, not that it made any difference really as the Eurovision song contest is nothing but a pile of bollocks but hey...

Sunday 8 May 2011

Nick Carter

Some of you may ask: Nick who? Exactly... he was one of the backstreet boys ( which backstreet boy is gay?) Long Story short : horrible music , horrible support band ( from Switzerland or some other area where they speak funny ) , horrible audience ... at least me and my workmates learned a few funky moves and even created our own "boy band": the backstage boys... but that is for a latter date...
Meanwhile enjoy the pure horror of a short soirée at the E-Werk in Cologne...

I only recorded the first two minutes ... somebody walks on stage and tells the audience ( mostly overweight "girls" ) to go mental as there will be a video shoot ... just check all the camera and mobile phone displays... fucking mental...
Nick Carter , I thought you was dead or that you had returned to working at Burger King, guess I was , like so many times before , wrong...
Nick Carter doesn't feature in this clip , reason being I couldn't be arsed to wait until that turd came on stage and the armada of screaming whales just put me off ...
besides , who gives a toss about a nobody???
Still ...

Friday 6 May 2011

After Dinner

yes , I live with "THAT"

it ain't easy

but I like it

Thursday 5 May 2011

Stairway to heaven today

Deutsche Bahn hates Southern Wales

The Deutsche Bahn , it seems , has launched a hate attack against Southern Wales... nobody at the Deutsche Bahn was available for comment

*Get to the plane fast and comfortably
to Southern Wales or simply on holiday

Sign Bin Laden was holding when they shot him

no , it was not an AK-47 as they claimed ...

Going into hiding

Baby Hitler is considering many alternatives

Sunday 1 May 2011


*No this is NOT a real bomb
"Lena ( Germany's Eurovision song contest winner 2010 )
sings Rammstein and Bushido ( horrible crappy "gangsta rapper" or something )
wearing a pink burka
Blue Shell ( crap venue in Cologne )

"Fat people are hard to kidnap - Eat more Junk food"

Saturday 23 April 2011

Good bye blue sky

The sun is too loud

there is no god , not even in you!

Monday 28 March 2011


244 km/h is hella fast

Sunday 27 March 2011

The world's coolest DJ

This is by far the coolest DJ ever , forget every other DJ you have ever seen or heard of before you seen this guy cause this guy is the coolest DJ ever.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Last battle for Tripolis

with the Gucci shop gone out of business due to the revolution
the good old Colonel was running out of outfits for his public appearances.
But for some reason , Libyans were not so keen on seeing Gaddafi anymore
This is when Gaddafi gave Galliano a call and both decided to get Mel Gibson to buy SMART in Tel Aviv
All in all , not such a good day
for nobody.
Except John Robinson
the butcher from Milton Keynes
who sold twenty three goats that day
Ramadan is good for butchers
Meanwhile in Libya
the shit is hitting the fan...

From Copy and Paste to Gaddafi

Nobody believed that it was in fact the cat that had started it all.
The Lockerby Bomber did not survive his Sex change surgery
and meanwhile in Germany
Theo was looking for a new name on
The War on Coffee had begun...

Wednesday 23 February 2011


another episode of
pissing in the wind with my iphone
coming soon

Plug&Play President - Donald Duck is a sleeper

Saturday 12 February 2011

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Going up going down

Rainman stuck in the elevator...

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

after the storm

Television of the future

three times more shit than today
welcome to planet stupid

Saturday 22 January 2011

Legal Notice

Everything on this blog is property of Monsieur Dups and , should Monsieur Dups die , Bibi Abel...
In other words if you see anything you like ask me for permission and send me money...

More than words could ever say

Monday 17 January 2011

Pride of North London

Forget Paul the Octopuss
here is Percy the Bulldog.
His prediction on the Barca vs Arsenal game
Come on Arsenal!
This time we'll get it right!
My aim is simple - to make the Arsenal not just the best in the Premiership but the biggest and best club in the world
Arsene Wenger...

New Year's Eve pics


Good bye

Tony Turtlehead is about to leave the building...
flushed away but not forgotten

Basically , this is what it is all about nowadays

In your face

The Sheriff is in town

€ 200.000.000,23

Welcome to Uranus