Friday 5 March 2010

Monday 1 March 2010

Shlomo Shmock

Shlomo Shmock is an art project and not an attack against Judaism or Jews. No offence intended or anti semitic thoughts involved. Should you feel offended anyway there are two things you can do:
a) Write me and tell me about it and tell me exactly what offends you and I will be more than willing to discuss with you and should I feel the need for it I will even apologize to you.
b) Concentrate on the REAL issues rather than getting all stressed about this. I am sure I don't have to mention any of the REAL issues, just open your eyes , have a look at the world and where it is going and should not see anything wrong with it then come back to me and call me an **** for making this video.
No offence to any Religious or Ethnic group intended , should you be offended anyway then you obviously have a problem with yourself.
Thank you and good day...